Friday, 27 July 2018

Slowing Down

On my lunch hour from work, I usually use the time to run errands on foot. In addition to getting things done, it has the added bonus of increasing my step count.

This photo is a complete brag, except for my sleep stat which is shameful.

Because the main branch of the Waterloo Public Library is walking distance from my office, it is a frequent destination. They have a great kid's section where I can pick up the next in the Ramona Quimby series to read to my girls at bedtime.

Usually it's just a quick stop to drop off or pick up books before I'm off to the grocery store to get something for dinner, or the drug store to spend a small fortune on sunscreen, but I didn't have anywhere else to go. So I stayed and read.

Possums, it was wonderful.

The experience was made even better by the fact that it was frivolous reading. I picked up a magazine and read it idly.While leafing through the pages (and finding a recipe for a watermelon cocktail that I will absolutely be making tonight), I thought about the future. Retirement, when my kids are gone, and reading at the library could be my day's entire plan.

Idle distraction.

It's going to be fabulous.

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